1,854 research outputs found

    Linguistic/literary personality of vers libre author as a special type

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    The article examines vers libre discourse features and their author as a special type of linguistic / literary personality

    Heuristic environment as condition of art criticism competence development for future teachers

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    Essential factor of professionally significant competences development of future art direction teachers is the educational environment as which it is necessary to understand the integrity of pedagogical conditions, interactions, processes, components of pedagogical process which is specially organized for achievement of the educational purposes. Results of a theoretical research which purpose was studying characteristics of the heuristic environment as conditions of development of competences of future art direction teachers are presented in article. The main intrinsic characteristic of the heuristic educational environment is the following: recognition of value of creative activity of subjects of educational process; implementation of stimulation, support and encouragement of creative activity of students; granting opportunities for inclusion in creative activity. The empirical research was directed to studying influence of specially organized heuristic educational environment on development of art criticism competence of future art direction teachers. Testing, observation, method of expert evaluations of results of creative activity were used by us for realization of a pedagogical experiment. The conducted research allowed to reveal that specially organized heuristic environment promotes high-quality development of art criticism competence which is shown in the following: future art direction teachers acquire culturological and art criticism contents at the levels above an average and high; barriers to transition to creative activity in the field of art criticism are broken; personalization of development of art criticism competence is carried out. Keywords: educational environment, heuristics, heuristic environment, art criticism competenc

    NR2A at CA1 synapses is obligatory for the susceptibility of hippocampal plasticity to sleep loss.

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    A loss in the necessary amount of sleep alters expression of genes and proteins implicated in brain plasticity, but key proteins that render neuronal circuits sensitive to sleep disturbance are unknown. We show that mild (4-6 h) sleep deprivation (SD) selectively augmented the number of NR2A subunits of NMDA receptors on postsynaptic densities of adult mouse CA1 synapses. The greater synaptic NR2A content facilitated induction of CA3-CA1 long-term depression in the theta frequency stimulation range and augmented the synaptic modification threshold. NR2A-knock-out mice maintained behavioral response to SD, including compensatory increase in post-deprivation resting time, but hippocampal synaptic plasticity was insensitive to sleep loss. After SD, the balance between synaptically activated and slowly recruited NMDA receptor pools during temporal summation was disrupted. Together, these results indicate that NR2A is obligatory for the consequences of sleep loss on hippocampal synaptic plasticity. These findings could advance pharmacological strategies aiming to sustain hippocampal function during sleep restriction

    Neural crest contribution to lingual mesenchyme, epithelium and developing taste papillae and taste buds

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    AbstractThe epithelium of mammalian tongue hosts most of the taste buds that transduce gustatory stimuli into neural signals. In the field of taste biology, taste bud cells have been described as arising from “local epithelium”, in distinction from many other receptor organs that are derived from neurogenic ectoderm including neural crest (NC). In fact, contribution of NC to both epithelium and mesenchyme in the developing tongue is not fully understood. In the present study we used two independent, well-characterized mouse lines, Wnt1-Cre and P0-Cre that express Cre recombinase in a NC-specific manner, in combination with two Cre reporter mouse lines, R26R and ZEG, and demonstrate a contribution of NC-derived cells to both tongue mesenchyme and epithelium including taste papillae and taste buds. In tongue mesenchyme, distribution of NC-derived cells is in close association with taste papillae. In tongue epithelium, labeled cells are observed in an initial scattered distribution and progress to a clustered pattern between papillae, and within papillae and early taste buds. This provides evidence for a contribution of NC to lingual epithelium. Together with previous reports for the origin of taste bud cells from local epithelium in postnatal mouse, we propose that NC cells migrate into and reside in the epithelium of the tongue primordium at an early embryonic stage, acquire epithelial cell phenotypes, and undergo cell proliferation and differentiation that is involved in the development of taste papillae and taste buds. Our findings lead to a new concept about derivation of taste bud cells that include a NC origin

    Optical second harmonic generation probe of two-dimensional ferroelectricity

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    Optical second harmonic generation (SHG) is used as a noninvasive probe of two-dimensional (2D) ferroelectricity in Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of copolymer vinylidene fluoride with trifluorethylene. The surface 2D ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition in the topmost layer of LB films and a thickness independent (almost 2D) transition in the bulk of these films are observed in temperature studies of SHG.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, Optics Letters, in prin

    Personalization of Art Students' Training in the Context of the Transition to the Digital Economy

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    Today, one of the main resources for the effective functioning of many political, sociocultural, and communication processes is transition to the digital economy and digital reality in general. Informatization, computerization, automation naturally integrate into the artistic culture and transform it into a digital one. As a result, changes in the professional field of art definitely require changes in both the content, methodology and technological base of art education in the context of transition to digital economy. At the same time, digital technologies are a factor in the modernization of the higher education system, and its tool. There is an objective need to individualize and personalize educational technologies. In turn, digitalization creates the foundations by which these processes can be implemented. The article specifies pedagogical conditions for personalization of art students' training: activating self-education and self-development mechanisms through the creation of individual educational routes; enriching the informational educational and methodological base to maintain an individual format for studying the content of artistic culture; adopting a personal position of an adviser and a facilitator by the university teacher, which contributes to the design, stimulation and reflection of the personal and competent development of art students. The reliability of conclusions made within this theoretical study is confirmed by the positive results of experimental work

    Quantum memory for light via stimulated off-resonant Raman process: beyond the three-level Lambda-scheme approximation

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    We consider a quantum memory scheme based on the conversion of a signal pulse into a long-lived spin coherence via stimulated off-resonant Raman process. For a storing medium consisting of alkali atoms, we have calculated the Autler-Townes resonance structure created by a strong control field. By taking into account the upper hyperfine states of the D1 optical transition, we show important deviations from the predictions of the usual three-level Lambda-scheme approximation and we demonstrate an enhancement of the process for particular detunings of the control. We estimate the memory efficiency one can obtain using this configuration.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Antibacterial effect of nisin in vitro

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    Results of experimental studies of antimicrobial action of gel compositions containing active substance nisin are presented in the article. It is shown that increasing concentration of nisin at constant concentrations of the other components in the mixture inhibits growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The optimal concentration of nisin at which the process of pathogens growth inhibition is the most effective was determined in the experiment